Our story

In the late 1960s, a group of entrepreneurial individuals around southern New England set out to craft the finest sandwiches in the region. Their goal was to deliver speedy service, hearty, top-tier subs, and exceptional value to every customer. Together, the group curated a menu, carefully selected suppliers for premium ingredients, and devised an operational model that prioritized excellence. Thus emerged Riccotti’s — a name inspired by the arrival of two cherished newborn nephews, Ricky and Scotty.

Rather than forming a singular entity, this group of restaurateurs opted to split into smaller partnerships, each independently utilizing the Riccotti’s name and brand according to their individual aspirations. Over the subsequent two decades, Riccotti’s establishments proliferated across New England, earning widespread recognition. 

Today, over 50 years later, four Riccotti’s locations endure, each independently owned and operated. Among them stands Les’ Riccotti’s of Bristol, founded in 1971 by Les and Joanne Hubbard, alongside their partner, Dave Giarla. While Dave explored additional ventures, Les and Joanne rooted themselves in Bristol, where they raised their family and nurtured this beloved establishment. With all six children contributing to the family enterprise, the shop flourished, embodying a true labor of love.

Upon retirement, the reins passed to their daughter, Kathy Howarth (formerly Hubbard), who adeptly oversaw the day-to-day affairs of the business, always greeting customers with a warm smile and extending a helping hand to all. In 2021, the third generation assumed leadership as Kathy's son, Ben Howarth, took the helm, ensuring the continuation of Riccotti’s legacy.

Today, we proudly stand as the longest-running, single-family-owned Riccotti’s establishment, honored to carry forth its storied heritage.